My Books
Homo Idioticus
We humans, have the most sophisticated brainpower in the animal kingdom but behave incredibly erratically. Despite our ability to split atom in our daily lives we often act incredibly… stupid, even when having perfect access to information to make the right decisions…
„Homo Idioticus by Cezary Pietrasik is the perfect guide for anyone who’s ever wondered how humanity can invent space travel yet still argue that the Earth is flat. Equal parts hilarious and horrifying, this book dives into our collective genius – and our baffling stupidity – with wit sharper than Occam’s razor. Packed with wild facts, sobering truths, and just the right dose of hope, it’s a must-read for anyone ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe even learn how to save us from ourselves.”
Monique Giggy, Singularity Ventures
„This will be a longer blurb from someone recommending the book, who wishes to share their thoughts and express full appreciation for its content, writing style, and literary value.”
Name Surname, who from where

My Books

Homo Idioticus
We humans, have the most sophisticated brainpower in the animal kingdom but behav e incredibly erratically. Despite our ability to split atom in our daily lives we often act incredibly… stupid, even when having perfect access to information to make the right decisions…
„This will be a longer blurb from someone recommending the book, who wishes to share their thoughts for its content.”
Name Surname, who from where
„Homo Idioticus by Cezary Pietrasik is the perfect guide for anyone who’s ever wondered how humanity can invent space travel yet still argue that the Earth is flat. Equal parts hilarious and horrifying, this book dives into our collective genius – and our baffling stupidity – with wit sharper than Occam’s razor. Packed with wild facts, sobering truths, and just the right dose of hope, it’s a must-read for anyone ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe even learn how to save us from ourselves.”
Monique Giggy, Singularity Ventures

Armia Obywatelska
The annexation of Crimea and war in Eastern Ukraine in 2014 was a wake-up call for Europe. It transpired that peace on this continent should not be taken for granted and we need to prepare ourselves against a potential Russian aggression…
“Countries with limited budgetary resources should seriously consider the proposals presented in this book.”
“Cezary Pietrasik made a huge contribution to Polish debate about national security, asking in his book difficult questions and providing potential answers.”
My Interests
International Relations, Geopolitics and Defense
Since I was a child, I have been an ardent student of history, which teaches us that… nobody learns from it. In my high school this passion took me to the History Olympiad finals. Studying international relations helps me understand and predict global trends underpinning our lives.
They say that those who know history, know the future because it tends to repeat itself. I spent a significant amount of time working pro bono preparing defense strategy for Poland against Russia between 2015-2016, which gave me the chance to meet the President of Poland and cabinet ministers. I also consulted on developing EU military industrial base policy and looked into the most interesting sources of low-cost energy, which allowed me to meet some great minds of contemporary science and technology. Watch out for thorium-based nuclear reactor (much better and safer than uranium-based) and hydrogen quantum diffusion – those technologies can change the world and are already stable and working.

International Relations, Geopolitics and Defense
Since I was a child, I have been an ardent student of history, which teaches us that… nobody learns from it. In my high school this passion took me to the History Olympiad finals. Studying international relations helps me understand and predict global trends underpinning our lives.
They say that those who know history, know the future because it tends to repeat itself. I spent a significant amount of time working pro bono preparing defense strategy for Poland against Russia between 2015-2016, which gave me the chance to meet the President of Poland and cabinet ministers. I also consulted on developing EU military industrial base policy and looked into the most interesting sources of low-cost energy, which allowed me to meet some great minds of contemporary science and technology. Watch out for thorium-based nuclear reactor (much better and safer than uranium-based) and hydrogen quantum diffusion – those technologies can change the world and are already stable and working.

I have spent decades investing professionally and privately, losing tons of money (including several 100% wipe-outs in my private portfolio) and winning even more for my investors and myself. I love this area of life as it is a form of creation. Providing financial resources to enable a certain idea is a true magic – it makes things happen.
I have been fortunate to enable ideas of building 3 million fibre-optic homes passed with the fastest internet in rural Poland, accelerating rollout of hosting services in Germany and building one of the best high schools in the world, which sends a disproportionate share of its students to Ivy League schools and Oxford.

I have spent decades investing professionally and privately, losing tons of money (including several 100% wipe-outs in my private portfolio) and winning even more for my investors and myself. I love this area of life as it is a form of creation. Providing financial resources to enable a certain idea is a true magic – it makes things happen.
I have been fortunate to enable ideas of building 3 million fibre-optic homes passed with the fastest internet in rural Poland, accelerating rollout of hosting services in Germany and building one of the best high schools in the world, which sends a disproportionate share of its students to Ivy League schools and Oxford
Good Governance, Social & Economic Systems
As a trained economist, I am constantly theorizing how to make systems better, use resources more effectively, achieve better results, and create more abundance. I am passionate about studying the sources of wealth and poverty as well as institutions that lead to good and bad outcomes.
Singapore and Gabon had the same GDP per capita in 1965. If you look where Singapore and Gabon are today, you will see that it highlights the power of good governance and institutions. I am always on the lookout for governance solutions for unleashing creativity, societal trust, cohesion and entrepreneurship.

Good Governance, Social & Economic Systems
As a trained economist, I am constantly theorizing how to make systems better, use resources more effectively, achieve better results, and create more abundance. I am passionate about studying the sources of wealth and poverty as well as institutions that lead to good and bad outcomes.
Singapore and Gabon had the same GDP per capita in 1965. If you look where Singapore and Gabon are today, you will see that it highlights the power of good governance and institutions. I am always on the lookout for governance solutions for unleashing creativity, societal trust, cohesion and entrepreneurship.

My Charity Work:
Effectus Papilionis Foundation
Our foundation is dedicated to empowering young people from small cities in Poland by providing them with the opportunity to learn English and gain inspiration from successful business owners. Through workshops, mentorship programs, and interactive sessions, we aim to ignite their potential and help them envision a brighter future. Together, we’re building a community where ambition knows no bounds.
My Charity Work:
Effectus Papilionis Foundation
Our foundation is dedicated to empowering young people from small cities in Poland by providing them with the opportunity to learn English and gain inspiration from successful business owners. Through workshops, mentorship programs, and interactive sessions, we aim to ignite their potential and help them envision a brighter future. Together, we’re building a community where ambition knows no bounds.
My Hobbies
There are many things in the world that are of great interest to me. I love learning about the world, studying its complexities and finding universal patterns. Often I still feel like a small boy mumbling “wow” all the time, startled by all wonders of the world…